10 new prompt ideas

13 Dec

For the #edublogclub year-long challenge to blog on education. While the official club has ended, they have shared posts to continue the journey through 2017. This week’s prompt was to create a list of prompts like Edublogs did for the #edublogsclub.


Here are my thoughts on what I’d like to see from fellow educators including my librarian colleagues.

  1. Behavior and consequences— How have you dealt with difficult students? How do you feel about discipline in your building and in schools in general?
  2. Wardrobe– What do you wear everyday?
  3. Most creative thing you’ve done– What creative activity are you most proud of?
  4. Profile a student– Was there one student who won you over? A student that you’d like to see run the world one day? A student that you’ll always remember?
  5. What you do on holidays and breaks– Is this your time to decompress and unwind? Do you pack it with activities that you’re not doing while in school-mode?
  6. Encouraging memes, quotations, videos, or music– We all need a pick me up and there’s a reason I have a Pinterest board called “For One of Those Days”, so what meme, quote, video, or music do you use to encourage you on one of “those days”?
  7. Share a lesson or activity– Do you have a particularly awesome activity or lesson you’ve done with students that you’d like to share?
  8. Summer— Just like what what you do on holidays and breaks, how do you spend your summer?
  9. Gift-giving or gift-receiving— We share gifts with our mail people and neighbors, but what’s the best gift you’ve given or received during your time in education?
  10. Bulletin board or display— We don’t have to be Picasso’s to whip up (or steal) a great bulletin board or display, share the picture and the reason for the display!

Phewf! That was exhausting, how did Edublogs do that for a whole year? I’m sure a fabulous collaborative team, but I am only one person and ten was all I could handle. Any other ideas that you’d like to see?



2 responses to “10 new prompt ideas

  1. Kathleen

    December 13, 2017 at 9:43 am

    What great ideas, Alicia! Thank you. We’ll definitely have to add these when we update the list!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ines

    December 13, 2017 at 7:14 pm

    Thank you, Alicia! I have copied your post to use the inspirational prompts with my students too. And with myself! (I use to write once a week, without posting, just to keep “walking”)

    Liked by 1 person


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