Joining the #edublogsclub community

04 Jan

As part of the #edublogclub year-long challenge to blog on education, this week’s topic focuses on sharing my blogging story.

I’m excited to be embarking on expanding what I do with my blog both to encourage more readership as well as diversify the content to avoid straight book recommendations all of the time. Book recommendations and reviews came along as the theme for the blog simply because it was the easiest thing to start with and because I was blogging on other platforms which different target audiences and satiated that need to talk about something other than books I was reading there rather than incorporating it into mine.

So while I’m not a newbie, I’m also not a veteran either. I would consider a veteran someone who has honed in on their authentic voice, figured out exactly what they enjoy sharing, and what their followers like reading. This is exactly what I’d like to be able to ask of other bloggers- how have you built your audience and do you stick to what you want to share or “listen” and alter your content based on feedback? How do you solicit that feedback? My fear is that blogging is all for naught if I don’t start gaining some followers, though I like the medium and platform I use. My goal for 2017 is to find my voice, not specifically in my writing style, but in what I want to share and what’s important to me as a librarian. Essentially answer the question: what do I have to offer?

The creation of a blog was also born from a need to add another voice and give back to my community and colleagues who I follow, respect, and learn from daily. A few of my favorites include The Librarian Who Doesn’t Say Shhh!, Librarian Leaps, and YALSA’s The Hub. And I  confess that I limit my list based on those bloggers who offer an email subscription simply because I like my content delivered in an email when a new post is made so I can save it, share it out, or be able to go back and refer to it again. I need it neatly delivered to my inbox!

Here is to learning with the Edublogs community!


Posted by on January 4, 2017 in Blogging, edublogsclub, Librarian Life


12 responses to “Joining the #edublogsclub community

  1. Sue Waters

    January 4, 2017 at 12:54 am

    Hi Alice

    Thanks for sharing your reflections! I’m often reluctant to talk about authentic voice when I do blogging sessions because I feel that worrying about it can get in the way of the blogging process. I think about authentic voice because I admire those that have unique authentic voices.

    I prefer to flip the process the other way. Focus on blogging for yourself. When you share what excites you…your passions– it comes through in what you write and you’ll find your voice and followers will happen.

    I would also encourage you to make it a goal to read and comment on as many of the posts on My Blogging story that people are sharing. I learn as much, if not more, by reading/commenting as I do by writing my posts and it helps me generate ideas for things I want to blog about.

    Sue Waters


    • Alicia Abdul

      January 4, 2017 at 9:25 am

      It’s Alicia and thank you for your comments. When I present, I’m always told that my passion is refreshing and exciting and I can take your thoughts and the encouragement I get from presentations and be sure to exude that on a blog as much as I do in person. I’m looking forward to these exercises and challenging thoughts and opinions I have.


      • Sue Waters

        January 5, 2017 at 5:40 am

        Sorry Alicia! I’m blaming old eyes or excessive multi-tasking 🙂 Probably a combination of both.


  2. Michelle Pacansky-Brock

    January 4, 2017 at 1:26 am

    Hi Alicia. Thanks for your post. I like your thoughts about what it means to be a “veteran” blogger. And I love the image you shared in your post. Do you know the source of that quote? It’s really lovely and I’d love to re-use it. Cheers to librarian bloggers!


    • Alicia Abdul

      January 4, 2017 at 9:29 am

      It’s from a poet named Erin Hanson, their work that be found on but that quote is used often for posters and decorative inspiration.


  3. Ronnie

    January 4, 2017 at 1:29 am

    Love the meme at the end! I look forward to following your blog and responses in the #EdublogsClub!


  4. Kelley Kaminsky

    January 4, 2017 at 2:26 am

    Welcome to the club!


  5. Sue

    January 6, 2017 at 1:33 am

    Hi Alicia,
    That authentic voice might differ in each blog you have. For example my work blog is more instructions and information for other teachers while my travel blog is written in the voice of a Tasmanian Devil and my photography blog is more for those looking at images. Some I write long screeds, others only a couple of lines. It is the blogger me in all of them but not necessarily the quiet true me who prefers to watch and listen than to write.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. mslabossiere

    January 6, 2017 at 5:48 am

    Hi Alicia,
    In reading a few of the ‘my blog story’ responses thus far, it seems as though many of us are driven by the desire to ‘think out loud’ and grow professionally through blogging. I feel that there is great value in the process itself, but agree with you that it is nice to know that someone out there is ‘listening’ too 🙂


  7. Tracey Smith

    January 8, 2017 at 2:51 am

    Kudos to you for getting in there and TRYING! Your blog looks great and as you find your voice it will only get better and better as the real you shines through.


  8. @MaggyTamez

    January 8, 2017 at 6:54 am

    Wow! Impactful entry! I love your goal and I think you hit it right on the nail…We as bloggers have to find our voice. Good luck, thanks for sharing and I will for sure keep up with your blog!
    – Maggy

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Jane Lofton

    January 10, 2017 at 3:07 am

    I’m excited to see another librarian participating in this blogging club! While I’ve been blogging for a long time, it is always a challenge for me deciding just what I really want to focus on. That was especially difficult when I was also maintaining a blog for my school library, so I often had to decide what to post on which blog. (Now that I retired in June, that is no longer an issue.) I figure this club will help me try out a variety of different topics. As for finding audience, that is definitely a challenge. I think what I tell myself is that I am doing it to to express my thoughts, and if others read it, that’s a bonus, not a requirement.



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